Thursday, April 17, 2008

Once again..

Okay, so I stopped doing this whole blog thing back in 2006... but after sitting back in my comfy computer chair... its time to wash out and start over.. Yes..Yes.. that means I will start to blog again but this time its going to be about something completely different. My life.. while playing Second Life. I know this sounds weird.. maybe off kilter, but I have learned since I started playing this game in October in 2007 that its a whole different breed of players compared to those that play the regular mmo's. For those of you who don't know what Second life is? Go to ... look it up from there.

Anyways, I created a character in SL (second life) one day after watching an episode of Gossip Girl on CW (the new WB), they advertised that you could play along with the show.. so I decided to check it out. I originally made this character.. something something Gossipgirl. I wandered around one sim in Second life completely lost... I was like huh. Then I ran into some other avi (avatar) and they told me there really was so much more.. After traveling around to a few different sims (zones) I soon realized that if I was going to stick with this game, this second life. A new Avi would need to be created.. there is no way that I could go around with a name like that... Thats when Vish (with holding her full name) was created...

I'm going to give you a quick run down of everything thats been going on since November of 2007 when I created Vish. Like everyone when they first start a game they feel like a complete N00b. Let me tell you... it shows.. in SL.. it REALLY Shows when your new. Your avi is basic, almost like a barbie doll. You have generic hair and clothes. Now let me explain one thing to you about SL, and this is probably the reason why I love it so much. With the in game money system you can purchase skins (to change your avi's skin appearance), shapes (to change how your avi is shaped), Hair (omg... if you only knew how many different styles of hair there is), clothes (oh yes the clothes shopping is amazing...) shoes, jewelry, everything and anything you can think of to make your avatar the way you want it to be. Exactly the way you want it to be. I'll include pictures in later blogs..

So Anyways, I created Vish, and now several months later I couldn't be happier with her appearance... at 6'3 sultry dirty blonde with a full body tattoo and lip piercings she is everything I wish I could be in real life. Now in the Second Life community you can either cash in real money for Linden dollars or you can get a job in SL itself to make the Lindens to pay for your clothes, your accessories, your home, your shopping habits, etc. On a community thriving on peoples sexual natures I decided to use it to my advantage, I got a job as a female dancer. My friends laugh and poked fun, I shoke my head. They didn't understand. Its not like I was personally taking off my clothes, all I was doing was clicking with my mouse.. It was fun while it lasted but I soon got bored with it.. I realized there was better things I could do with my time.

I became and currently still DJ for nightclubs, I still love to DJ and missed working for W00t Radio so this really fits my cup of tea in SL. I have made alot of friends along the way, met alot of crazy ass folks, and made like my dear friends in the J-Force, a bond with the people I play with on a daily basis.

Now and almost every day I have decided to move on in SL to something I never ever thought I would do. Roleplay... All those years making fun of Roleplayers on Virtue in City of Heroes, here I am one of them... and I love it. Currently Vish is in a Combat based Role Playing Sim and I am having more fun with the ever changing story lines and constant battles then I have in a long time with any other mmo I've played. On that note.. This blog is now to document Vish's travels in Toxia (the RP sim) and her ooc (out of character) life in SL. There is so much to this game that alot of people don't understand and I hope to try and elaborate thru my travels in SL what exactly goes on in the life of an avi....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely blog, Vish :) Congrats!

I will keep on reading it, as I have relatively little time playing myself.

Larissa - Omegan Scholar