Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What is life outside of Toxia

She sat with her knees tucked up to her chest and pondered the question Del had asked, "What exactly was life like outside of Toxia, does anyone even remember?". She sat there quietly as Jon reflected about his life as he grew up in Toxia, he had a family, he had a wife, he had a daughter. Del reflected on how he once helped rule a nation. She never really truly put togeather how old Del was. She is going to have to remember that Vampires, Demons, Angels, they don't show their true age.

The reality of the question hit her tho, what was life outside of Toxia? She had gotten so caught up in everything going on around her in Toxia, she had forgotten about her past life outside, her family, her friends... she left them all behind when she decided to stay here. She had not made contact with Wicked or CJ since their departure from Toxia.. Devi she barely saw. She looked up as she saw Jon sipping the whiskey out of his glass slowly. She had grown close to Jon and looked up to him as her own father figure. They got along well and thats what was most important. They joked about how she was his sidekick, but it was true. She would fight to the death at the snap of his fingers.

So much had happened over the few days as she stretched and was ready to settle in to bed, she couldn't wait to settle in for a good restful sleep, she looked over at Del already snoring on the couch and smirked thinking how many evil pranks she could pull on him. However, tonight she would play nice. She curled up on the couch her bunny slippers keeping her feet warm, she dozed off slowly having dreams of a perfect life outside of Toxia.

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