Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Falling Leaf

She sat on the edge of the roof looking out into what seemed nothingness. It seems she had been doing this much more lately. The buildings around her were all to familiar.. the sky line, the water.. all of it.. all to familiar. She stared down at her hands looking over the scars and cuts. She was 26 years old.. 26…

She was told she was rare, Dante himself embedded that in her thoughts. She was a rare breed in Toxia as there were not many like her. It made her special and made her stand out above the rest… but was this true. Was being Human in a family of Demons and immortals really something that was rare, or just plain.. ignorant.

She remembers the day that she pulled Jonny aside and spoke to him, at first it was nothing but an innocent conversation and a hello.. but it turned to something that she will never forget. “How long do you think you will live in a house of immortals.. you are nothing but a falling leaf in autumn.”

A falling leaf in autumn… something that replayed over and over in her head. The flashbacks of all her near death experiences suddenly overwhelming her. Her family joked about turning her into a mutant.. but it was not something she wanted. She wanted to be her, just the way she was.. but to live forever. Could that ever be possible?

Only time would tell…

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