Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Sweet Steak...

She was irritable and things were easily annoying her. All she wanted to do was mame and rip apart something. For some reason, however, everything she approached or wanted to kill somehow ended up.. walking away. It has been two days now and she still wasn’t able to call her shadows. The empitness she was starting to fill inside was consuming her. She had no patience for anything and the human emotional needs she usually suppressed were rising to the top. She noticed it the most when she sat one evening on the beach with Shaynee, wishing more then anything that her dear Demon friend could turn into a male. It had been over a year since she had last known or felt a mans touch in a loving way.

As she hopped down from the pit’s ramp she noticed Blue, Ravenite and Jon. She had almost forgotten about dear Jon. She saw her mentor briefly one evening in the Haven but she had been without him for so long it was as if her mind had completely written him off. She remained quiet as she joined her family. Before she knew it Ravenite had a finger on her forehead pushing her back complaining about his happy bubble space and she started growling. It was at that moment that Jon’s voice caught her attention. Not everyone knew the history between her and her old friend, her former Righteous leader. An outsiders view would but the two at mild flirting when the true case was it was mild teasing.

They spoke of Christmas dinner and the thought of something other then a brothy soup excited her. She never claimed that she ate properly, half the time she either forgot or was to fueled on adrenaline to even feel any hunger. She smiled at the thought of something warm and her mind began to wander when she suddenly noticed everyone else had left and she was now left alone with him and he was much closer. She raised her hand and cupped his cheek softly “Why are you being so nice to a shadow?” His words moved over her ears and she remembered the days that they spoke and worked together daily. He reminded her that it did not matter what house she resided in, it only mattered that they were close friends.

When he realized her hunger pains and her excitement over the food he drug her to the diner. He didn’t know her eating habits and she didn’t want to let him know either. He would start to worry, she knew he would. He wandered into the freezer pulling out a rotten steak. His hand glowed as the steak took on a fresh appeal, rejuvenating the rotting meat. He grilled it lightly for her and tossed it on a plate passing it to her. She disregarded all of her lady like manners when the smell hit her nose, her stomach growled and she grabbed onto the steak with her hands before ripping into it chewing rapidly. He blinked and he was shocked, “maybe I should cook for you once a day or at least once a week.” She liked that idea. It meant two things to her. One she was going to get a decent meal at least once a week and also be able to put everything going on around her on hold and be able to enjoy a peaceful meal and conversation with Jon, just like the old times. She missed her old dear friend and hoped that despite whatever his ears heard of her actions as he returned and made his rounds, he wouldn’t be deterred.

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